29 January 2020
Warburtons Families Matter Community Grants Programme
Warburtons, a family run bakery business, provides very small community grants to support projects, activities and organisations that have charitable aims. Taking a ‘localism’ approach, Warburtons’ community investment funds are allocated to its local bakeries and depots, which helps make the best decisions for the local community.
Warburtons offers small grants to support charitable organisations that require a small amount of money to help them deliver a broader activity.
The aim of the small grants is to support projects, activities and organisations that will be of real direct benefit to families and have a direct and tangible social impact on people’s lives.
Starting in Autumn 2018, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is helping to deliver the Warburtons Families Matter Community Grants programme, including the payment process.
The next set of deadlines for application are 10 February 2020, 11 May 2020 and 12 August 2020.