About us
snvb ( originally known as South Northants Volunteer Bureau) works across the whole district of South Northamptonshire, which lies to the south west of Northampton and has a population of around 85,000. The M1 motorway, A5 and A43 trunk roads and the main London to Glasgow railway cross its area.
The historic towns of Brackley, in the west, and Towcester, in the centre of the district, are the main centres of population. However, the majority (72%) of South Northamptonshire’s residents live in its many villages.
snvb operates from the Volunteer Centre in Towcester town centre.
Structure, Governance and Management
snvb is a charitable company (no.1104848) limited by guarantee and was incorporated on 9 March 2004 (no. 5068116). It is governed by the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
The trustees, being directors of the charitable company, are appointed by the Board of Trustees at the Annual General Meeting.
There must be a minimum of 3 trustees and a maximum number of 20 is prescribed
Our Mission
Is to support local people to provide services and help to residents so that they can lead healthy and enjoyable lives and to strengthen the voluntary and community sector so that it can thrive and make a difference to those who live and work in South Northamptonshire.
Our Values
- Inclusive – we value diversity and will strive to ensure that opportunities are open to all. We will treat all our clients, customers and members with respect and courtesy.
- Integrity – we are open and honest and do all we can to put the interest of our members, volunteers and the wider voluntary sector first.
- Innovative – we pride ourselves on being creative about trying out new ideas in order to meet changing needs in the community by running pilots or testing new ways of delivering services.
- Collaborative – we will work with our partners, our member organisations and wider stakeholders to achieve the best possible results we can.
Objectives and Activities
The charitable objectives are to:
- Provide a focus for voluntary organisations in the district and a forum for dialogue both within the sector and between voluntary and other sectors.
- Recruit, place and support volunteers in the area, and promote good practice among volunteer using agencies.
- Work in partnership with others to ensure the development of high quality services in the area.
- Manage services which respond to local needs, where appropriate.
- Support communities to respond to identified need.
- Manage all our resources, including employing sufficient, appropriately-trained and/or experienced staff, to ensure that our activities are carried out effectively.
Principal activities have been:
- Provision of infrastructure support to local voluntary and community organisations in South Northamptonshire including outreach infrastructure support work to enable local communities to develop services which meet needs they have identified.
- Providing support to a regular LinkUp meeting which gives the opportunity for local workers from both statutory and voluntary sectors to discuss issues face to face.