Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


12 February 2018

Trusthouse Charitable Foundation Announces Changes for 2018

The Foundation has announced that it will be making some key changes in the year ahead.

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation is a medium-sized grant making foundation that gives grants to small, well-established charitable organisations in the UK who address local issues in areas of extreme urban deprivation, or in remote and fragile rural communities.

Groups that are intending to apply for funding from the Foundation should be aware of the following important changes:

  • All new applications for Small, Standard, Large and Village Hall/Community Centre grants are now to be made through the Foundation’s on-line application forms.
  • The Foundation will stop accepting unsolicited applications for hospices with effect from 31 March 2018. Until then, hospice grant applications remain paper-based and can be found on the Grants page, under the Hospices heading, on the Foundation’s website.
  • The Foundation is planning to launch a new grants policy and criteria from 1 July 2018. It says that most of the current applicants will still be eligible under the new criteria.
  • The Grants Committee meeting in May will be the final meeting for applications under the current criteria and applications will need to be made by late March/early April 2018.

Full details of the new grants policy and criteria will be provided when they are published in July 2018.

Trusthouse website…

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