19 March 2018
Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Opens for Organisations Working with Unpaid Carers
The Triangle Trust has opened it Spring 2018 round to applications from specialist community and voluntary organisations working with unpaid carers in the UK.
The Triangle Trust provides funding through its Development Grants programme twice a year to registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies in the UK whose primary purpose is to support unpaid carers (spring round) and the rehabilitation of offenders or ex-offenders (autumn round).
Applications from organisations working in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales are particularly welcome. Organisations must have a constitution whose primary purpose is to support unpaid carers.
Development Grants provide funds towards any costs incurred by the applicant in undertaking its core business so that sustainable income sources can be developed and the organisation’s income will not be reduced when the grant comes to an end. The grant could, for example, be used to enable an organisation to make a step change such as diversifying its income streams or setting up a social enterprise to help it become more sustainable in the long term.
Grants are available for up to £80,000 over three years with a maximum of £35,000 in year one. The amount requested each year is expected to taper down as applicants develop other sustainable income streams.
The emphasis of the Development Grant is to support the development of a solid foundation for the future. The grant could, for example, be used to enable an organisation to make a step change such as diversifying its income streams or setting up a social enterprise to help it become more sustainable in the long term.
Please note this funding is not available for charities with a broader remit that are running a project to support unpaid carers.
This is a highly competitive fund with only five Carer Development grants awarded in 2017.
The deadline for applications to the Spring round is 3 May 2018 (12 noon).