Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


24 September 2018

The Mutuals Support Programme 2 – Deadline Imminent

The Mutuals Support Programme offers support to both aspiring and growing Public Service Mutuals (mutuals) in England.

Public Service Mutuals, referred to as mutuals, across England are changing the way public services are delivered. The government is committed to supporting the development, growth and sustainability of mutuals throughout England.

The government is awarding funding to support organisations in England considering becoming a Public Service Mutual. Organisations that wish to become or grow as Public Service Mutuals can apply for a share of funding.

Support is available to create new mutuals, or strengthen existing ones, by providing access to advice across areas including legal, financial, marketing, human resources and business planning.

Funding will be used to deliver training, support programmes and mentoring to expand the services mutuals provide to communities.

Organisations in England that wish to become or grow as Public Service Mutuals can now apply. The organisation must currently, or intend to, fulfil the government’s definition of a Public Service Mutual, which is an organisation that:

  • has left the public sector (also known as ‘spinning out’);
  • continues to deliver public services and aims to have a positive social impact;
  • has a significant degree of staff influence or control in the way it is run.

The Mutuals Support Programme 2 is open for applications and will close at 5pm on Friday 5 October 2018.

Full details…

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