25 April 2018
The Good Help Award
Nesta have launched the Good Help Award to discover more examples of ‘good help’ projects that are already happening across the country. The Good Help Award will reward an organisation or team that demonstrates they are helping people to find their sense of purpose and develop their confidence to take action to transform their lives, rather than focusing on fixing a problem for them.
‘Good help’ is core to many organisations trying to help people take action and improve their lives. Yet despite decades of research and good practice, ‘good help’ remains absent from many mainstream services and social programmes. Too many people receive ‘bad help’.
‘Bad help’ can have acute and obvious consequences, such as homelessness or addiction, but also chronic and subtle effects which make activities, such as parenting and healthy eating, much harder, and sometimes impossible.
Nesta will use the award process to identify and celebrate all of the most promising ‘good help’ projects – not just the three winners – and will be looking for opportunities to share best practice and learning in ways that can help them all increase their impact.
The deadline for submissions is 18 May 2018.