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11 November 2019

Teaching Internship Scheme for Teaching 2020

Grants available from the Department for Education (DfE) to school-led partnerships to support teacher internships in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

The Department for Education (DfE), along with the National College for Teaching and Leadership, is providing funding through this initiative to support teacher internships.

The aim of the scheme is to let science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) undergraduates experience mathematics or physics teaching before they commit to it as a career.

The programme will take place towards the end of the academic year and should last for four weeks. It should offer interns the chance to gain a deep experience of teaching and may include:

  • A combination of teaching, running science projects, offering intensive support for children who are struggling, and helping with experiments and laboratory work
  • Structured training, shadowing and lesson observation followed by a chance to jointly plan and deliver lessons
  • One-to-one mentors who are good or outstanding classroom teachers in their specialism
  • Opportunities to network with qualified subject specialists.

Only school-led partnerships can apply for funding. A school-led partnership could include a School Direct partnership or a partnership with an accredited school-centred initial teacher training provider (SCITT) or with a higher education institution (HEI).

Applications from accredited initial teacher training (ITT) providers will not be considered.

Applications should be for a minimum of 10 participants. For the minimum cohort size of 10 interns, the grant funding would equate to £20,000.

The funding is for £500 per week, per student.

The deadline for applications is 9 December 2019.

Full details…

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