Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


3 December 2018

Tampon Tax Fund 2019/20 is Open for Applications

Large grants are available to charitable, benevolent and philanthropic organisations for one-to-two-year projects that will benefit disadvantaged women and girls in the UK.

The £15 million Tampon Tax Fund, managed by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and provided annually from the funds generated from the VAT on the sale of sanitary products, aims to support the country’s vulnerable and under-represented women and girls.

The 2019/20 round is offering individual grants of a minimum of £1 million for projects that address one of the following four categories:

  • Violence against women and girls.
  • Female homelessness and rough sleeping.
  • Women in music.
  • General programme (for which the Government has identified a number of sub-themes).

Applications are accepted from formal consortia or from individual organisations, ideally working across a number of regions/countries within the UK.

Proposals are expected to provide additional activity not currently within mainstream provision.

The deadline for applications is 20 January 2019 (midnight).

Full details…

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