4 May 2020
Sport England Pauses Applications to Two Programmes
The Small Grants Fund and Community Asset Fund are currently paused to new applications.
Sport England reports that it has experienced a high volume of calls and applications to the Community Emergency Fund due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis. In response, it has temporarily paused both the Small Grants programme and the Community Asset Fund to new applications.
This has been done for the following reasons:
- It enables the funder to concentrate on the £195 million package of funding that is being developed in response to the coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis.
- Given the current restrictions, many organisations cannot make progress with the projects that are funded under these programmes.
Please note the Community Emergency Fund continues to accept applications until 31 July 2020. Any not-for-profit organisation delivering community sport and physical activity and experiencing short-term financial hardship or the ceasing of operations due to the impact of coronavirus/COVID-19 can hardship or the ceasing of operations due to the impact of coronavirusapply for a grant of between £300 and £10,000 to help them meet their costs before the end of July 2020 . Priority will be given to organisations that work with under-represented groups.
Sport England ‘anticipates being able to reopen the Small Grants Fund and Community Asset Fund in July’.