31 August 2021
Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund
Registered providers of social housing in England can apply for funding to improve the energy performance of their social homes.
The Government has committed to a £3.8 billion Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) over a 10-year period to improve the energy performance of social rented homes, on the pathway to Net Zero 2050.
The Fund aims to upgrade a significant amount of the social housing stock – currently below Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Band C – up to that standard, delivering warm, energy-efficient homes, reducing carbon emissions and fuel bills, tackling fuel poverty, and supporting green jobs.
Wave 1 of the SHDF is now open to applications, with up to £160 million available to Registered Providers (RPs) of Social Housing in England. Funding is available for the installation of energy performance measures in social homes by 31 January 2023, taking a worst first, fabric first, lowest regrets approach.
The focus of Wave 1 applications will be on social homes with an EPC rating of Band D, E, F or G. Homes both on and off the gas grid are eligible for funding.
Grant levels awarded will vary according to the EPC band(s) of the homes being upgraded and the number of homes involved in each bid. RPs should contribute at least a third of total eligible costs.
For this first wave of grants, applications must be led by a local authority. Private registered providers of social housing (including housing associations) must apply as part of a consortium with a lead local authority in England.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 15 October 2021 (23:59 BST).