3 July 2018
Small Grants for Community, Heritage Biodiversity Projects
Funding is available to non-profit organisations for community, heritage or biodiversity projects within 10 miles of active landfill sites in England.
The aim of the scheme is to enhance the environment of communities living in the vicinity of landfill sites that are accepting waste.
Applications are currently being accepted for the second of three funding round taking place in 2018.
Grants of up to £20,000 are available for capital projects that fulfil the following objectives:
- Community – The protection of the environment, the provision, maintenance or improvement of public amenities and parks, which are open and accessible to the public.
- Biodiversity – The protection of the environment, the enhancement, protection and/or promotion of biological diversity of a species or habitat.
- Heritage – The protection of the environment, the maintenance, repair or restoration of a building or structure that is of historic or architectural interest, and which is open and accessible to the public.
Applicants must hold the freehold of the project site, or have a minimum of 10 years left to run on a lease.
All projects must demonstrate:
- That there is a local need and local support for the project, promotion of community participation (volunteering) and partnership approaches.
- Environmental sustainability by using environmentally-friendly materials and solutions wherever possible.
- Value for money; projects must maximise the benefit of Landfill Communities Fund funding.
- That they are self-sustaining and have long-term management plans.
Applicants must initially check the availability of funding in their area using the postcode checker on the funder’s website.
(some parts of South Northamptonshire are eligible)
The next deadline for small grants applications is 31 July 2018.