2 December 2019
Road Safety Trust
The Road Safety Trust, an independent charitable trust, works to support projects and research that will make the UK’s roads safer for all road users and reduce the numbers of people killed or injured on UK roads.
The Trust provides funding to public and professional UK organisations, including charities and university departments, for projects that are innovative and will enhance the knowledge and practice of the road safety community. Projects should focus on engineering, infrastructure and technological measures, while recognising the contribution of education and enforcement to these measures.
There are two strands of funding:
- Major themed grants which will focus on a theme each year. In 2019 the Trust invited applications under the specific theme of ‘Innovative Traffic Calming and Provision for Vulnerable Road Users’. The objectives of the grant programme are to:
- Generate new knowledge about what works.
- Translate ideas into new measures.
- Influence Road Safety Policy and Practice.
- Support partnership working and collaboration.
- Small programme grants aim to improve road safety at a local level. Eligible projects are pilots/trials, expanding successful trials across a new area, and/or the evaluation of interventions. Projects should have the potential for being brought to scale – with the ultimate goal of reducing deaths and injuries both locally and across the UK.
The application deadline for the small grants programme is 20 December 2019.
Applications for the major themed grants open between February and May 2020.