9 July 2018
Remembrance Day Silhouette Grant Scheme – Deadline Extended
Funding is available for local community groups to purchase silhouettes of Tommies for community events that will celebrate the centenary of the end of World War One in their local area.
Constituted voluntary and community organisations, charities, schools, places of worship and community interest companies that are considering holding a local community event that brings people together to remember the Armistice and to think about the Armed Forces Community today can apply for grants of up to £500 to purchase silhouettes of Tommies as part of their remembrance event.
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust is making £2 million available in grants for groups across the UK to purchase 10 silhouettes each. The trust will now accept applications to the middle of July. It is expected that between 4,000 and 5,000 small grants will be awarded.
To be eligible, organisations will need to hold a self-funded event in October or November that is open to people in the community, promoted ahead of time and brings together people from the Armed Forces community and the civilian community in the local area.
Events can be modest and do not need to cost a lot to run. It might be something like having tea and cake following a remembrance event or arranging a venue for people in the community to come together and share a lunch.
The grants are to be used to purchase up to 10 silhouettes and are to be used for the bench and chair silhouettes only. They do not cover the 6ft or 10″ Tommy figures.
Commenting on the extended deadline, Grants Manager Rachel Dawkins said:
“Applicants have been talking to us; telling about the great events they are planning. We know that some groups are planning projects involving a number of local organisations, and worried about not having their event fully planned.
“It is however fine to apply even if your event is not fully planned.”
Guidance notes and an application form for Armistice and Armed Forces Communities can be found on the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust website.
The deadline has been extended from 30 June 2018 to 16 July 2018.