27 August 2019
Remedial Conservation Scheme
Small musuems in the UK have until 30 September to apply for grants up to £10,000 to help with the conservation of their collections.
The AIM/Pilgrim Trust Conservation Grant Scheme is intended to help small museums with the conservation of objects in their collections.
Accessioned objects in any media are eligible. Whilst AIM expect museums to have a conservation plan, the object does not have to be the most at risk in the collection.
Conservation work should be carried out by a conservator chosen from the ICON register unless there are exceptional circumstances where this is not possible.
To be eligible, museums must:
- Be an AIM member
- Be a registered or accredited museum, or be confident of achieving accreditation within two years
- Be a registered Charity, an associated charity can receive the grant on the museum’s behalf, if the museum itself is not a charity
- Have fewer than 50,000 visitors p.a. OR a turnover of less than £300,000 p.a. (Please note in the case of branch museums, the total turnover of the parent organisation must be less than £300,000 p.a.)
Applicants may apply to the scheme more than once for different projects.
The maximum grant awarded will be £10,000. It is expected that the average grant awarded will be around £5,000.
The deadline for applications is 30 September 2019.