Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


1 July 2019

Places to Ride Grants Programme

Funding programme for development of new, or the improvement of existing, cycling facilities in communities across England.

The programme will fund the development of multi-use facilities to engage with a broad spectrum of cyclists and to encourage people who have never cycled before to get on their bikes. Applications can also be made to improve existing cycling facilities and support opportunities to ride in communities across England.

Small grants of between £1,000 and £50,000 are available. It is expected that the average grant will be much less than £50,000. Larger grants of up to £500,000 are available for larger projects. A total of £15 million is available for the three-year grants programme.

Examples of projects that might be funded include:

  • New cycling facilities.
  • Improvements to existing cycling facilities, such as lighting, fencing, workshop space or toilets.
  • Learn to ride areas.
  • Combined and co-located schemes with various cycling facility types available.
  • Equipment such as bicycles, specialised bicycles, storage facilities, data-tracking monitors, coaching equipment, etc.
  • Cycling kit and equipment.
  • Training equipment.
  • Cycle storage.
  • Other items that can support innovative solutions to getting more people riding bikes, eg, using technology.

Applications will be accepted from not-for-profit organisations located in England, including clubs, local authorities, community organisations, education establishments and charitable organisations.

Applications can be submitted at any time until 15 January 2021, when the programme ends. Decisions will be made every 12 weeks.

Full details…

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