13 November 2019
Northamptonshire Federation of Disability Sport Fund
The Northamptonshire Federation of Disability Sport Fund is offering grants of up to £1,000 for sport activities catering for any disability, sensory impairment and/or mental health problem. The fund has been set up by the Northamptonshire Federation of Disability Sport and aims to increase the number of disabled people involved in all aspects of sport, recreation and physical activity within Northamptonshire.
The fund is being managed and facilitated by Northamptonshire Community Foundation and we are looking for groups that will use the funding to get more people with disabilities, sensory impairments and mental health problems aged 5+ active in the county.
The maximum amount to be applied for is £1000 and projects can run for up to a year. Funding must be for sport, or physical activity. Each sport must be recognised by Sport England and ideally Paralympic, or Special Olympic events to be eligible for funding.
The Northamptonshire Federation of Disability Sport Fund is open to applications from constituted clubs, groups and not for profit organisations.
The next deadline for the fund is Friday 6th December.