Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


7 December 2020

New Grants for Angling Aficionados

The Environment Agency and Angling Trust have announced a new fund to encourage more people to take up fishing or reignite a passion for fishing.

In the wake of the England’s first coronavirus lockdown, an increase in the popularity of fishing was observed, with nearly a million people buying or renewing a fishing licence since the spring. As a means of encouraging the wellbeing benefits the sport can offer, the Get Fishing Fund has been created to encourage more people in England to take up fishing or get involved for the first time.

From an overall £100,000 budget, grants of up to £500 for small-scale projects and up to £5,000 for larger projects will be available.

The funding is expected to help the delivery of future angling participation events, including any additional equipment needed to ensure fisheries are following COVID-19 safety guidelines, PPE and signage. It can also cover the costs of fishing equipment, tackle and bait, as well as event resources including promotional material, gazebos and basic storage facilities.

Applications are accepted from angling clubs, fisheries, charities, schools and local authorities in England that want to increase the number of people being introduced to angling. Activities undertaken as a result of receiving funding must be delivered on freshwater fisheries where angling requires a fishing licence.

The deadline for applications is 12 March 2021.

Full details…

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