26 November 2018
New Funding to Help Charities Improve Digital Skills
The Government has launched a new £1 million fund to expand existing training programmes in England for charities to improve their digital skills.
The new funding comes as part of the Government’s commitment in its recently published Civil Society Strategy which outlined plans to help charities build their digital capabilities to benefit service-users and wider society.
A range of organisations based and working in England, including private sector organisations, charities, community-led businesses, social enterprises, mutuals, public sector organisations and community organisations, can apply.
There is £1 million available for this round. Grants of between £10,000 and £170,000 are available and will be awarded for the financial year 2018/19.
The funding is for the expansion, improvement or re-working of an existing digital leadership training programme which will result in greater value added to civil society leaders with regard to their digital leadership capability.
An expanded, improved or re-worked training programme does not necessarily mean a ‘scale-up’ or ‘expansion’ through an increase in the number of training opportunities provided. There is also interest in funding programmes which improve the learning experience for participants, for example through improving the method of learning, even if the numbers of participants remain the same. Another way to ‘re-work’ a programme to result in increased value added could be to use the funding from this grant to subsidise the cost of training for participants.
Funds must be spent, and all projects and activity must be delivered in full by 31 March 2019.
The deadline for applications is 7 December 2018.