23 December 2019
Nesta Launches Democracy Pioneers Award
Funding is available for UK businesses, community groups, charities, universities, civil society and public sector organisations, supporting innovations in new forms of everyday democracy and civic participation.
The Democracy Pioneers Award aims to champion emerging innovations that are experimenting with ways to re-energise and reshape the future of civic participation and everyday democracy in the UK.
Through the programme, Nesta wants to recognise and support pioneering innovations that show how civic participation and democracy can be broadened in the future, enabling society to be shaped by the people, for the people.
The programme has a total budget of £100,000, which will be shared between 10 applicants. The winners will each receive:
- £10,000 to support the development of their work;
- opportunities to showcase their work and ideas across local and national media, as well as Nesta communications; and
- the opportunity to work collaboratively with Nesta and the other Democracy Pioneers to champion their work and create a case for what is needed to ensure ongoing civic participation and effective democracy.
Applications are invited from constituted organisations in the UK. All sizes and sectors will be considered, including start-up businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), sole traders, community groups, charities, universities, public, private and civil society organisations.
Applicants must have an established track record of working in the field of democracy and civic participation for at least six months. However, the award money could be used to help advance this work via a new approach or initiative.
The deadline for applications is midday on Friday 31 January 2020.