17 May 2021
Local School Grants to Support Learning in Nature
Funding is available for schools in England, Scotland and Wales to fund outdoor learning training and equipment.
Learning through Landscapes is a UK charity specialising in outdoor learning and play in education.
The Learning through Landscapes Local School Nature Grants Programme, supported by the People’s Postcode Lottery, is providing support to schools and early years settings to enhance learning training for staff and purchase equipment.
The fund has two elements:
- Fully funded outdoor learning training for staff. Schools will be able to select a training topic from a range of themes. Learning through Landscapes’ skilled staff will deliver a session for staff for up to half a day. The training will take place at the school’s own site and will be outdoors and interactive or delivered remotely online due to lockdown restrictions. Up to 25 staff can take part.
- £500 of equipment for outdoor learning. The packages offer a wide mix of products to appeal to a broad range of ages. Schools are welcome to select the same item multiple times, as long as the £500 budget is not exceeded. Items will be delivered within three months of a successful application.
All schools (Infant, Primary and Secondary) are eligible to apply. Early years providers must have at least five staff and a building – either stand alone or part of a school.
The grants are available in England, Wales and Scotland only.
Individual childminders are not eligible to apply. Also, those that have been awarded a Local School Nature Grant in the last five years will not be eligible in 2020-21.
Applications must be submitted on Learning through Landscapes website by the following deadlines:
- Round 1: Friday 30 April 2021
- Round 2: Friday 25 June 2021
- Round 3: Friday 3 September 2021
- Round 4: Friday 12 November 2021.