Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


22 September 2021

Job opportunity – Project Worker – Men into Xtra Time project

Project Worker

15 hours per week , salary £12.50ph

snvb, a charity based in Towcester, manages the Brackley and Towcester Volunteer Centres as well as a number of front-line, support projects.

Men into Xtra Time is a new 12 month pilot project working to improve older men’s lives.

We aim to support men at the recognised transition points where they are most vulnerable to social isolation, namely having poor health, becoming a carer, retirement , bereavement or family breakdown. In partnership with Brackley Town FC Saints Community Project we will work to overcome the barriers to engaging older men in activities which reduce their sense of isolation, provide camaraderie, encouraging them to take better care of their physical and mental health and develop new skills.

The Application Form (no CVs) and further details can be downloaded using the links below
or write to Rob Tracey CEO SNVB, Volunteer Centre, 4 Whittons Lane, Towcester, NN12 6YZ.

The closing date is Friday 15th October 2021

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