20 February 2018
Home Repairs project
South Northamptonshire Council has just announced an exciting new project aimed at helping local residents tackle jobs around the house.
The SNC Home Repairs Project is for private homeowners and private tenants (as long as works required are not the landlord’s responsibility).
Generally, works up to £1,000 will be supported (though larger works may be considered on a case by case basis)
All clients must be on low income to access this service – so either in receipt of means tested benefits, or with an income of £16k a year or less
Additionally, clients must meet any ONE of the following:
- Have a disability or long term physical or mental health condition
- Be at risk of ill health or injury without support measures or repairs being carried out
- Need works carryout out to enable safe discharge from hospital
- OR be aged 65 or over
The Project is being delivered by Care & Repair Northamptonshire with assessments and works carried out by their own in-house team of skilled and DBS checked technicians (NB: For some specific works (such as gas safety) they may use local trusted sub-contractors).
All clients accessing the service will receive a comprehensive home safety assessment carried out by one of Care and Repair’s in-house technicians. The assessment will enable them to identify areas of need, which may not have necessarily been flagged up by the client. The assessment will focus on key areas of risk in the home relating to home safety, home security, falls, home warmth, and essential repairs. Following assessment, a range of works will be carried out to help mitigate risks identified. Clients will be left with a home safety information pack with wider support information.
Scope of works which may be carried out:
- Small handyman works
- Home repairs and measures including electrics, plumbing and carpentry works
- Home security improvements – doors, windows, lighting
- KeySafes
- Home safety measures including carbon monoxide detectors, smoke alarms, lighting improvements etc
- Falls prevention – including dealing with hazards, grab rails, stair rails, half steps etc
- Home warmth measures – including draught exclusion and repairs
- Gas safety checks, servicing, repairs
- New boilers (considered on a case by case basis)
- List is not exhaustive
For full details contact Care and Repair (Northamptonshire Ltd)
01604 782250