4 June 2019
Home Office’s Youth Endowment Fund Opens to Applications
£200 million is available to support organisations in England and Wales with interventions aimed at preventing at-risk children aged 10-14 from being drawn into crime and violence.
To be delivered over the next ten years, the Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) has been launched as part of the Government’s Serious Violence Strategy and is being run by the charity Impetus, working in partnership with the Early Intervention Foundation and Social Investment Business.
In this initial funding round, two-year grants are available for organisations and community partnerships with a track record of working with young people, to fund and evaluate promising approaches to preventing youth offending that have not yet gathered strong evidence of their impact.
Eligible applicants will:
- Primarily target young people aged 10-14 years old.
- Be operating in England and/or Wales.
- Be working to prevent young people’s involvement in crime and violence, or the risk factors associated with these outcomes.
- Be willing to be independently evaluated.
- Be willing to share learning to benefit others in the sector.
- Be planning to deliver their intervention for at least 12 months.
- Have the capacity to absorb the funding quickly. In this round, grantees will need to spend £100,000 or more by March 2020.
Interventions will be expected to have a robust and clear theory of change, which explains how they will reduce offending and is informed by the available evidence. YEF will evaluate the effectiveness of funded interventions, with the aim of scaling up those that are shown to work, in order to reach more young people.
The deadline for round one applications is 23 July 2019 (midday).