31 January 2018
Home Office – Building a Stronger Britain Together Programme
The Home Office launched the new four-year Building a Stronger Britain Together (BSBT) programme in September 2016 to support civil society and community organisations that are working to create more resilient communities, stand up to extremism in all its forms and offer vulnerable individuals a positive alternative, regardless of race, faith, sexuality, age, and gender.
The BSBT programme delivers a key strand of the Government’s Counter-Extremism Strategy published in 2015 and aims to promote and strengthen positive mainstream voices across Britain.
The Government is offering both grants and in-kind support for projects that are aligned with one or more of the BSBT programme outcomes which are:
- Fewer people holding attitudes, beliefs and feelings that oppose shared values.
- An increased sense of belonging and civic participation at the local level.
- More resilient communities.
The call for 2018 grant funding (round 3) is open from 15 January 2018 (3pm) until 16 February 2018 (5pm). Groups that applied in rounds 1 and 2 may also apply for this round.
The call for in-kind communications support is expected to open by the end of January 2018.