20 September 2021
Government Launches Loneliness Engagement Fund to Support Target Groups in England
Funding for charitable, benevolent and philanthropic organisations from across England to continue, adapt or expand existing activity that reaches groups at higher risk of loneliness, especially those most affected by the pandemic.
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is providing grants of between £15,000 and £50,000 for communications and engagement activity that will help reduce feelings of stigma and encourage people to help themselves and others. The new fund supports the Government’s loneliness objectives.
Charitable, benevolent and philanthropic organisations in England can apply as long as they have a proven track record of engaging with one or more of the following target groups:
- Young people aged 16-24
- People with diagnosed mental health conditions
- People living alone
- People from lower income households
- Unemployed people
- Disabled people
The funding can be used for:
- Developing content and resources to engage specific target audiences.
- Testing content with target audiences.
- Disseminating messaging directly through existing networks and channels.
- Research into target audiences to support future activity.
- Training community leaders or ‘ambassadors’ to deliver messages within their networks (for example, developing toolkits, running webinars, training events).
- Evaluation of activity delivered using this funding eg to determine reach, reception, outcome and impact.
All funded activities must take place in England by 31 March 2022.
The value of the grant requested must not represent more than 50% of the applicant’s annual income.
The deadline for applications is 13 October 2021 (noon).