Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


22 January 2018

Garfield Weston Foundation Celebrates 60th Anniversary with One-Off Charitable Fund

Registered charities, places of worship and state schools in the UK can apply for the Garfield Weston Foundation’s new one-off capital fund to benefit communities.

The Garfield Weston Foundation has reached its sixtieth year of grant giving in the UK and has chosen to celebrate with a new one-off fund that offers grants of between £30,000 and £150,000 to registered charities, CIOs, places of worship and state schools.

The Fund is exclusively aimed at supporting capital costs. Groups in need of revenue funding should apply to the Foundation’s main grants programme.

Funding is available for:

  • New community facilities.
  • Improvement of community facilities.
  • Items that require a sizeable investment eg purchase of minibus.
  • Improvements to outdoor spaces and facilities for sport and exercise or community use.
  • New buildings or extensions to an existing building for community use eg new kitchen, meeting room or storage facility.
  • Improvements to, or renovation or refurbishment of, an existing building such as installing a toilet and servery in a rural church for community use.
  • New fixed playground equipment, climbing walls or multiuse games area in a public playing field.
  • Purchase of large or expensive items if it is crucial to supporting local people eg minibus for elderly day care, equipment for a training room, community café fit out.
  • Purchase of land or property with a minimum of a 25 year lease with a clear community benefit.

Total project costs must be above £30,000.

The deadline for applications is 30 June 2018.

Full details…

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