27 July 2020
Funding to Support Mental Health and Wellbeing of UK Veterans
Armed Forces charities may submit their funding application now for projects and activities that support the mental health and wellbeing of veterans throughout the UK.
Armed Forced charities and Community Interest Companies (CICs) that primarily support Armed Forces veterans can apply now for fixed, one-year grants of up to £35,000.
Projects should aim to improve veterans’ mental health and wellbeing by getting them out and active, and grants will only be awarded to projects that are addressing a clear need. Funding can be used for activities that organisations are already undertaking as well as new projects. Projects must fit within the theme of sports, arts/culture, heritage or getting outside.
The grants can be used to pay towards most of the costs needed for delivering the project, such as: salaries and fees, travel, equipment, materials, and venue hire.
Organisations that have received a previous Positive Pathways grant for one year and can demonstrate that their project has been successful and there is demand for it, can apply for continuation funding, providing the organisation does not have three or more active Positive Pathways grants. (Organisations cannot apply for a continuation grant for projects that have received funding for a two-year period.)
The Trust is keen to encourage applications from organisations supporting veterans in the West Midlands and West Scotland, as these are currently under represented in previous funding rounds. It does not expect to fund UK-wide or multi-region projects under this programme.
There will be two more application rounds before the programme closes on 30 November 2020.
The next deadline for applications is 12 noon on 25 August 2020 with decisions by the end of November 2020.