23 December 2019
Funding for Innovative Projects to Make a Meaningful Impact on the Environment
A new innovation and research fund for innovative projects that seek to reduce the impact of packaging, batteries or WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) on the UK’s environment.
The £1 million fund which is spread across three years and offering individual grants of up to £150,000 is open to UK registered companies, charities, not-for-profits and academic institutions.
Grants of up to £150,000 are available to UK registered companies, charities, not-for-profits and academic institutions.
To be eligible, projects must:
- Reduce the environmental impact of packaging, batteries or WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) through innovation or research.
- There is particular interest in ideas that could go on to have a bigger impact beyond the funded project and the proposed idea could reduce the environmental impact across any part of the life cycle – from design, production, use or collection through to reduction, reuse or recycling.
- Innovation could include an innovative awareness campaign, technology, initiative, process, trial or material, for example.
- Research could include academic or industry research into improving existing systems, processes, infrastructure, technology, consumer behaviour or material use, for example.
- Have a measurable impact. Applicants must be able to measure and report on the impact of their project.
- Be completed within 12 months of receiving the funding. Funds will be released in May 2020 and the project should be completed by May 2021.
- Be unique. There is particular interest in new ideas and approaches that can help solve existing problems.
- Be UK based. Those leading the project and the project itself must be based in the UK.
The project could be led individually or collaboratively with other organisations to plan and deliver it.
The deadline for applications is 11:59pm on Tuesday, 10 March 2020.