18 May 2020
Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund Responds to COVID-19
One-off funding for museums and galleries in the UK to explore different ways of engaging with collections while physical access is not available or is severely limited due to the current coronavirus/COVID-19 situation.
In response to the current difficulties facing museums, the Foundation has diverted £350,000 to a new type of small grant, Sustaining Engagement with Collections, which will offer one-off grants of up to £30,000 for projects of up to a year.
It is expected that 12 to 15 organisations will receive funding to explore different ways of engaging with collections while physical access is not available or is severely limited due to the coronavirus/COVID-19 lock down.
Museums and galleries in the UK can apply.
Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Museum-sector applicants should be members of the Museums Association.
- Applicants, or one applicant in a partnership, are normally expected to be accredited (or working towards this). However, occasional exceptions may be made for organisations that are not accredited museums but whose activities are based on the care and interpretation of collections of historical, artistic or scientific interest, provided they are in the public sector or have charitable status.
- Applicants must have a safeguarding policy to protect people with whom they work.
Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund funding may form part or all the funding for a single project.
The deadline for applications is 26 May 2020 (17:00).