Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


4 May 2020

Emergency food supplies in South Northamptonshire

There are now two ways of getting food to people in South Northamptonshire:

  • The Foodbanks (Towcester and Brackley) are for those who are in financial difficulty, for whatever reason, and struggling to pay for food
  • Community Larder is for those who are self-isolating and unable to get out to shop.

The Foodbanks have a mission to end food poverty, through working collaboratively with other local agencies.

Amidst the confusion we believe there are people in our area who are in financial need being fed by Community Larder rather than being given a voucher for Towcester or Brackley Foodbank.    This means they are being denied access to agencies which can help them with their financial difficulty.

Community Larder


Target Client: those self-isolating who can afford food Target Client: those in financial difficulty who struggle to afford food
What people get: What people get:
Small weekly food parcel Nutritionally –balanced parcel based on number of people in the household, ranging from c11kg –  c30kg of food.
Additional bag of extras: toiletries, loo roll, nappies, pet food to match client’s needs
A subscription service, not normally available in South Northants, but here for duration of Covid lockdown, free of charge Established service in the community, free of charge, both during and after Covid lockdown.
Weekly delivery Deliveries at least twice-weekly by DBS-checked drivers with safeguarding training
Contact-less service.  Referrals made by anyone to register client for the service.  Details sent to depot in Towcester, bags delivered by drivers. Contact-less service.  Referrals made by registered referral agencies issuing a voucher (also obtainable from SNC Money Advice Team on 01327 322107) to SNC Community Hub where orders taken and personalised food parcels delivered by drivers as often as required.
Additional access to debt and benefit advice and housing options team, help with rent or mortgage arrears, through Foodbank Voucher Holders, to enable client to improve their financial situation
Contacting the Towcester Foodbank

The Foodbank has voucher holders throughout the community including the clergy, surgeries, schools, SNC Money Advice Team, SNC Housing Options Team and local Housing Associations who are able to help our clients with their financial issues.  If you are an existing voucher holder who wants to issue e-vouchers please contact  If you know someone who needs a voucher, but not how to generate one, you or your client can ring the Money Advice Team on 01327 322107 and ask for a voucher.

Contacting the Brackley Foodbank

If you need help due to illness, debt, unemployment, benefit issues, or any other problem, contact your doctor, childrens’ school, church, social worker or social housing worker for a voucher to cover yourself and your family. They will tell you what to do next, and the voucher has those instructions on it as well.
In an emergency, phone 01869 810687 or 07842 514216.

Contacting the Community Larder


  • John Scott 07738 760618 Towcester Local Coordinator
  • Miranda Wixon 07974919221 South Northants Coordinator
  • General enquiries to :

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