Promoting and supporting voluntary activity across South Northamptonshire


3 December 2018

Deadline Approaches for Age-friendly and Inclusive Volunteering Fund

Funding of up to £250,000 is available to support registered charities and Community Interest Companies conducting initiatives in England that will develop and document models of good practice in supporting older people’s voluntary and community activity.

This Fund is provided in response to the findings of the recent publication of the Centre for Ageing Better’s Age-friendly and Inclusive Volunteering: Review of community contributions in later life. This review noted that older people who would benefit most from contributing to their communities are often prevented from doing so by practical, structural and emotional barriers.

The Fund aims to support voluntary groups and social enterprises in England to tackle these barriers and to stimulate new approaches and identify good practice that other organisations can learn from and replicate.

Up to five one-year grants of between £40,000 and £60,000 are available to fund the revenue costs of initiatives that will:

  • Sustain lifelong contributions and help people remain involved throughout major life changes such as bereavement, caring or developing a health condition.
  • Help people connect to and take part in voluntary activities and opportunities that suit their life circumstances, including informal and self-organised contributions.
  • Provide practical support to include older people who currently face barriers to volunteering (for example due to health, language, cultural or social factors).

All models should be replicable and sustainable, and the funders anticipate that grantees will use the funding to build on their existing work with volunteers and community groups, rather than having to develop new models from scratch.

The deadline for applications is 10 December 2018 (12 noon).

Full details…


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