2 December 2019
Core Funding Grants Available to Support Small and Medium UK Charities
Smaller organisations that often find core costs hard to fund can benefit from one-year grants of up to £3,000 as part of the Woodward Charitable Trust’s revised grants scheme.
Following a review of its grant-making guidelines, the Woodward Charitable Trust has changed its focus to providing funding for core costs only, rather than for specific projects, with the intention of having a more direct impact on the organisations concerned.
Applications are accepted from registered charities, charitable incorporated organisations and community interest companies with an annual turnover of less than £300,000, for work that will achieve a positive impact in at least one of the following areas:
- Arts outreach work by local groups involving disadvantaged people.
- Children and young people who are isolated, at risk of exclusion or involved in anti-social behaviour.
- Disability projects, which can include rehabilitation and training for people who are either physically or learning disabled as well as charities supporting mental health issues.
- Disadvantaged women and their children, covering refuges and domestic violence shelters and groups.
- Disadvantaged families including parenting support.
- Prisoners and ex-offenders and specifically projects that help the rehabilitation and resettlement of prisoners and/or ex-offenders as well as requests to help prisoners’ families.
- Projects that promote integration and community cohesion particularly among minority groups, refugees and traveller communities.
The Trust favours small-scale, locally based initiatives and is especially interested in those that make good use of volunteers and encourage past and current users to participate.
The next deadline for applications is 31 January 2020 (noon).