18 March 2019
Core Funding for Groups Working with Unpaid Carers
Applications are now being accepted from specialist community and voluntary organisations working solely with unpaid carers in the UK.
This grant scheme provides core funding to support specialist carer organisations to implement a step change in their development and therefore build increased sustainability for the future. The Trust is ‘open minded’ on the type of initiatives applicants may wish to develop in order to increase their sustainability.
Grants are available from £10,000 up to £80,000 for a duration of six months to three years. The amount of funding requested must be proportional to the development that will be undertaken. A maximum of £30,000 per year or £2,500 per month for smaller developments can be requested.
Registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies that are working within the UK and have a UK office can apply. There is particular interest in applications from Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
This funding is only available to specialist carer organisations rather than those with a broader remit which run carer projects.
There is a two-stage application process.
The deadline for stage one applications is 7 May 2019 (noon).