10 September 2018
Charities in England and Wales Can Apply Now for an Invest Grant
The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales has relaunched its grants programme with a focus on new complex social issues and is currently accepting applications to its Invest Programme.
The Foundation offers two grants programmes to charities in England and Wales. The Invest Programme provides grants of between £30,000 and £100,000 for work delivered across three years, with the possibility of continuation funding for up to six years in total.
Funding is available for core organisational costs which are related to the day to day running of the charity. Consideration will only be given to requests for core costs where over 50% of the charity’s work and expenditure meets the Foundation’s criteria. Funding is also available for costs associated with the direct delivery of the charity’s work.
Charities and charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) that are registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales can apply so long as their income is between £25,000 and £1 million and they have been delivering direct services for at least one year.
Organisations must be working with people aged 17 years and older who are experiencing complex social issues resulting in a significant impact on their lives. Applicants need to demonstrate:
- They work with individuals in depth.
- The work is person centred, holistic, and targeted on the people they are seeking to support.
- A journey of change towards a positive outcome/s.
Their work should address the following complex social issues:
- Domestic abuse
- Sexual abuse and exploitation
- Mental health
- Homelessness and vulnerably housed
- Offending, prison or community service
- Care leavers
- Learning disability
- Addiction and dependency on alcohol, drugs, substances and/or gambling
- Trafficking and modern slavery
- Young parents under the age of 21 years whose health, education, finances and opportunities are significantly affected by parenthood.
- Asylum seekers or those who have been granted refugee status in the last two years.
There are a number of restrictions and applicants should carefully read the new guidance notes.
Stage 1 applications will be accepted from 28 August 2018 until 5 October 2018.