16 April 2018
Big Lottery Fund Relaunches Reaching Communities England
After pausing the fund for three months, the Big Lottery Fund has reopened the £190 million a year programme to applications from voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisations.
The Big Lottery Fund is seeking ideas for projects that will improve communities across England and will make grants of more than £10,000 available to support organisations that want to take action on the issues that matter to people and communities.
The funding can support project activities, operating costs, organisational development and capital costs and can support work for up to five years.
To be eligible, groups need to show how their ideas meet the following three priorities:
- Bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities.
- Improve the places and spaces that matter to communities.
- Enable more people to fulfil their potential by working to address issues at the earliest possible stage.
Organisations that are interested in applying will need to have an initial discussion with the Big Lottery Fund about their proposed idea. If the idea is accepted, the Big Lottery Fund panel of staff will then invite a full proposal.
This is a rolling programme with no deadlines.