13 October 2020
£50,000 award to Northamptonshire charity
Ecclesiastical insurance businesses offer insurance products and risk management services to customers in the faith, heritage, charity, education and real estate markets.
Charitable giving has been at the heart of what they do for over 130 years. They are proud to be one of the largest corporate donors to charity in the UK, contributing to thousands of good causes in this country and abroad.
This year through the Movement for Good awards, they have been building on the widespread success of last year’s initiative and giving a further £1million to charities.
They’ve already awarded £500,000 to 500 charities. £1,000 makes a huge difference to many charities. Lucky recipients in our area include…
- Northampton Saints Foundation
- Northampton Hope Centre
- Daventry Volunteer Centre
Phase two was the giving to 10 charities an award of £50,000 each. Ecclesiastical is actively championing innovation through these grants, giving charities the backing they need to propel their plans forward and helping to turn creative ideas into practical solutions that benefit society.
One of the recipients of a £50,000 award is Northampton-based Thomas’s Fund which provides music therapy across Northamptonshire for children and young people with life-limiting illnesses and/or a disability.