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20 November 2023

Youth Endowment Fund Seeks Summer Jobs Delivery Partner

Funding to be a YEF delivery partner to lead on the design, set up and delivery of a new Summer Jobs Programme, which will provide short-term paid work placements for young people between the ages of 16-24 at risk of becoming involved in violence.

This call for proposals for a delivery partner for the new Summer Jobs Programme is part of the Youth Endowment Fund’s Targeted Projects funding stream and will be co-funded by the Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS), and supported by the Youth Futures Foundation (YFF).

In this funding round the funders are looking to set up a Summer Jobs Programme scheme in the UK similar to established and evaluated US schemes and grow it to sufficient scale where it would be feasible to evaluate it using a randomised controlled trial (RCT). The programme will launch in June 2024, being delivered over the summer when young people are not in education and rates of crime tend to be highest.

The funding round will have two core aims:

  • Design, develop and deliver a promising new Summer Jobs Programme in the UK that provides high-quality work opportunities that are attractive to vulnerable young people and has the direct aim of reducing youth violence.
  • Generate robust evidence on the impact of the new Summer Jobs Programme on reducing youth violence, and improving education, employment and wellbeing outcomes.

The purpose of this call for proposals is to appoint a delivery partner (or a consortium of delivery partners) who will be responsible for developing the precise details of the programme design in collaboration with the EYV lab. All delivery costs will be fully covered by the grant. This includes employment costs/wages which will be fully subsidised by the grant.

The funders estimate a total delivery cost for the programme of approximately £7 million covering all phases of delivery across three-years to an estimated total of around 2,600 young people.

Estimated delivery costs for year one and two of delivery is £1.5 million each. Estimated delivery costs for the final year of delivery is £4 million. The funders expect the estimated delivery costs to cover all aspects of delivery including wages.

At a minimum, applicants should meet the following criteria (either as a single organisation or as part of a consortium):

  • Be able to deliver to around 600 young people in the first year of delivery.
  • Have experience of working with key local delivery agencies (pupil referral unites, youth offending teams, local authorities etc).
  • Have experience in engaging employers and employer networks at a national scale.
  • Be willing and able to work with an independent evaluator who will assess the feasibility and impact of the scheme.
  • Have experience working with and recruiting young people (either directly or through partnership work) at risk of being involved in violence.

The funders expect the design of the programme to broadly reflect the characteristics of US evidence-based approaches to maximise the chances of achieving and detecting impact.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 1 December 2023 (5pm).

Full details…

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