22 November 2021
Co-op Foundation Announces Carbon Innovation Fund for Food and Farming Sector
A new £3 million fund will open to applications on 22 November 2021.
Funding is available to organisations operating in and supporting the UK’s food and farming sector for projects and activities designed to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
The three-year, £3 million Carbon Innovation Fund is being delivered in partnership by the Co-op Foundation and the Co-op. The funding has been donated by the Co-op through the sale of compostable carrier bags in the UK.
The fund is seeking to support projects and activities which include those with a focus on:
- Farming and food production practices.
- Initiatives around regenerative agriculture/agroecology.
- Community supported agriculture initiatives.
- Supporting diversity, resilience and learning amongst key players in the food and farming sector.
- Behaviour change (amongst consumers or producers).
Applications will be accepted from organisations based in the United Kingdom, including those in the community, public and private sectors. Applications are welcomed from organisations working in partnership.
Funding of between £75,000 and £100,000 is available. In most cases, funding will be offered as a grant, but in some circumstances, it may be offered as an interest-free loan or equity investment.
First stage applications will open on 22 November 2021 and close at noon on 10 December 2021.