1 December 2021
Anglian Water Invasive Species Fund
Grants are available for projects in the Anglian Water region that aim to prevent or manage the impacts of invasive non-native species, preventing the deterioration of waterbodies or ensuring the continued conservation of wetlands.
The funding is for projects which prevent the introduction and/or spread of invasive non-native species (INNS). Projects must aim to prevent the deterioration of a waterbody or reduce the threat to the conservation objectives of wetlands designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Special Area of Conservation or Special Protection Area.
The Anglian Water Invasive Species Fund will only support projects to control giant hogweed where professional specialists are used.
The grants can be used to cover the following:
- Costs of the direct control or eradication of INNS, eg, equipment hire to access and remove INNS.
- Equipment, such as gloves and rakes.
- Biosecurity measures, such as wash down points and signs.
- Costs of applying for consents etc.
- Interim and post-intervention surveys to demonstrate success.
- Staff costs.
The fund will allow applications from the same group for multiple relevant projects. The fund will also accept multiple applications from the same group for ongoing work on the same project.
The next deadline is 1 February 2022.